EAPS/BPSA Conference 2023

The European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS), in association with the British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA), organizes a conference held on March 30th – April 1st, 2023, in KU Leuven, Belgium.


KU Leuven is delighted to welcome scholars to the British Philosophy of Sport Association and European Association for the Philosophy of Sport joint conference between March 30th and April 1st.

KU Leuven is home to the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Regulation and Integrity in Sport (iCERIS), which combines philosophy, legal and social scientific scholarship in sport.  The University has a longstanding commitment to philosophy and ethics of sport – taught jointly between Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences  and the Higher Institute of Philosophy over many years, and KU Leuven is the lead partner for the world’s first postgraduate progamme in Sport Ethics and Integrity – MAiSI sponsored both by the European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus programme, but also by the International Olympic Committee’s Olympic Solidarity Programme.  The Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences, which hosts MAiSI, also awarded Honorary Doctorates most recently to the Olympian and human rights activists John Carlos and Tommie Smith.

We look forward to your joining us to discuss the most pressing issues in sports – such as doping, power and corruption, the rise of artificial intelligence in sport, sportwashing, and more.

Prof. Mike McNamee and Dr. Marcus Campos

Target audience

All sport Science Faculties, all Belgian sport organisations.


Click here for more information about the program.  

Confirmed Keynote speakers

  • Dr. Irena Martinkova, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University
  • Prof. Thomas Schramme, Dept. of Philosophy, Liverpool University
  • Dr. Silvia Camporesi, Dept. of Political Sciences, University of ViennaShort biographies of the keynote speakers can be found here.

Final call for Papers

Presentations will be twenty five minutes with fifteen minutes for questions and discussion.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  • Send abstract (200-300 words) as soon as possible – final submission date: 3rd February 2023 at 23h59 CET (Friday)
  • Decisions communicated by 7 February 2023
  • Required format is MS Word Times New Roman 12pt, single spacing, no auto-formatting, ‘normal’ margins – as per attached example – with name, institution, abstract, max 5 keywords. 3-5 items of indicative bibliography; brief personal details – all to fit on one side of A4.
  • Abstracts to be submitted to s.j.parry@leeds.ac.uk with the formulaic filename as follows:   <ABSTRACT – surname – title>

For further information regarding the academic programme contact Dr. Andrew Edgar, edgar@cardiff.ac.uk

For further information regarding the conference logistics contact Dr. Marcus Campos marcus.campos@kuleuven.be