The aim of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS; hereafter: the Association) is to promote and disseminate research and scholarship in the philosophy of sport, with respect for and development of different philosophical traditions, and for a variety of aspects of movement cultures (competitive sport, physical education, movement recreation, movement art, etc.). This includes all activities to stimulate and encourage study, research and writing in the philosophy of sport and related fields (to organise and conduct meetings, to issue publications, to support and co-operate with IAPS, BPSA and other national and international associations of similar purpose). In relationship with IAPS, the EAPS is a continental association supporting IAPS in its mission and activities. In the relationship with BPSA, to avoid troubles of parallel activities and problems of multiplied membership, a special agreement will be reached to co-ordinate activities (especially annual conferences), and to make published materials (especially the journal) accessible to EAPS membership.