Call for Papers | On Horses – A Philosophy of Sports Conference | University of Extremad …

Beauty doesn’t need words. It doesn’t need support or foundation. Perhaps the only true and necessary thing in life is to pay homage to the beautiful things we love, knowing that others will love them too, long after we are gone. This bond that is created between the living and the dead, and those to come, is the root of our society, our culture, our civilization. The history of humanity has been connected for many centuries to the relationship developed with the horse. This relationship allowed us to build the basis of our survival and thrive, creating an alliance with several domesticated animals, among which the horse is the most paradoxical, never losing its autonomy.

A tribute is a celebration. And in this conference, we seek to celebrate the beauty of the horse, its freedom, its strength, kindness, character and all the symbolic attributes and characteristics that we admire in its indomitable spirit. Celebrating the horse and the horse culture means trying to dialogue with all the worlds it inhabits, from the pastures where it still works, to sport, therapy, in a word, to think and research in all its multidimensionality.

The On Horses Conference is a meeting place between knowing and doing. An open space of thought and action, in which the main objective is to establish bridges, focused on the relationship between Philosophy and Sport, but that also aims to open the field of reflection to different areas of knowledge, intending to provide the opportunity to think freely and with the widest possible scope.

In order to establish a transdisciplinary dialogue, with contributions from the entire spectrum of academic knowledge, the submission of proposals on the following topics are particularly encouraged:

    1. Sports and Philosophy
    2. Horses and technology
    3. Technique and methodology
    4. Health and Veterinary
    5. Sports and the horse: Polo, Horse Ball, Dressage, Obstacles, etc
    6. Aesthetics
    7. Ethics and animal ethics
    8. Horses in Art: painture, sculpture, photography, literature, cinema, etc.
    9. Horses and Human Sciences: Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, History, etc.
    10. Horses: Politics and History
    11. The workhorse
    12. The military horse
    13. Competition
    14. Famous elite horse schools: Portuguese, Spanish, French, etc.
    15. Horse breeds
    16. Economy and sport
    17. Unique events: desert marathon horses, bullfight, rodeo, etc.
    18. Culture and symbol
    19. Mythologies
    20. Pedagogy and therapy
    21. Morphology, biomechanics and movement study
    22. The world of betting: English case, Arabian case, etc.
    23. Riders: personal histories and insights


Abstracts should be sent to the email address or They must not exceed 500 words. Please also attach a small biographical note. Abstracts may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Presentations will be 20 minutes in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Conference proceedings will be published in e-book format.


Participation and attendance are free.

Important Dates

Submission: until 30th June 2022
Notification of the decision: 15th July 2022


Faculty of Sport Sciences
University of Extremadura
Cáceres, Spain
