Constitution Of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS)

Article 1 – Aims

The aim of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS; hereafter: the Association) is to promote and disseminate research and scholarship in the philosophy of sport, with respect for and development of different philosophical traditions, and for a variety of aspects of movement cultures (competitive sport, physical education, movement recreation, movement art, etc.). This includes all activities to stimulate and encourage study, research and writing in the philosophy of sport and related fields (to organise and conduct meetings, to issue publications, to support and co-operate with IAPS, BPSA and other national and international associations of similar purpose). In relationship with IAPS, the EAPS is a continental association supporting IAPS in its mission and activities. In the relationship with BPSA, to avoid troubles of parallel activities and problems of multiplied membership, a special agreement will be reached to co-ordinate activities (especially annual conferences), and to make published materials (especially the journal) accessible to EAPS membership.

Article 2 – Membership

The Association shall be made up of the following:

  1. constituent societies: founding national societies, and every national society of the philosophy of sport (nomenclature notwithstanding) from Europe which seeks admission to the Association, and that, having been admitted, remains active and in good standing;
  2. individual members: founding individual philosophers of sport, and every individual philosopher of sport who seeks admission to the Association; and who, having been admitted, remains in good standing;
  3. student members: students, undergraduate or graduate, who seek admission to the Association expressing interest in philosophy of sport.

Article 3 – Language and seat

In EAPS public events (congresses, conferences, published materials etc.) English, French and German are official languages. The national organiser of the EAPS Congress may introduce other languages if simultaneous translation is provided. On its seat and in Slovenia EAPS uses Slovenian language. The seat of the EAPS is on the Faculty for Sport, Gortanova 22, Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Article 4 – Officers

The officers of the Association shall be the President, the Vice-President, and the Secretary-General. The Vice-President, or, when unavailable, the Secretary-General, shall deputise for the President when necessary. The Secretary-General serves as the Treasurer for the Association. The Executive Committee may introduce the Treasurer as an officer of the Association as appropriate.

Article 5 – Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be made of:

  1. the officers;
  2. delegate members, one from each constituent societies, elected by that society;
  3. non-delegate members, three in number, elected by the individual members.

No country shall be represented by more than two members of the Executive Committee at any time, excluding delegate members. Each member of the Executive Committee shall hold office for three years from one Congress to the next. In order to ensure continuity on the Executive Committee, the out-going President and Secretary-General shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee one term after their term as officers expires. The meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President of his/her own accord, or, upon request by one-third, or, upon request by two constituent societies. One-half of the membership of the Executive Committee shall be a quorum. The Executive Committee shall rule on all applications for admission to the Association. It shall authorise European congresses of the philosophy of sport, appoint their organising committees, and make all other policy decisions in the name of the Association.

Article 6 – Congresses

A European congress shall be held every third year. At each congress, there shall be at least one General Meeting open to all members of the Association in attendance at each congress.

Article 7 – Elections

The Executive Committee shall draw up a slate of candidates for the position of President, Vice-President, and Secretary. There shall be no more than one candidate from any single country among these candidates. Election from the slate shall be made by ballot by all individual members, At least two of the candidates shall be from a country that does not have a constituent society, for the election of three non-delegate members. There shall be no more than one candidate from any single country on this slate. From this slate, the three candidates receiving the highest votes at the General Meeting shall be elected non-delegate members of the Executive Committee.

Article 8 – Nominating Committee

A Nominating Committee composed of three members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. In advance of each election, the Nominating Committee, under the direction of the Secretary General, shall canvass the membership and submit a slate of officers and the nominees for non-delegate members to the Executive Committee for approval.

Article 9 – Unexpired terms of Office

The Executive Committee shall appoint a suitable member to fill any office made vacant by resignation or death.

Article 10 – Dues

The amount of the annual dues to be paid to the Association by the individual members shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The constituent societies may make voluntary contributions to the Association. Dues for student members shall be no more than one-half of the regular rates for individual members. Dues for those members of EAPS who are members of BPSA shall be one-half of the regular rates for individual members. Individual members can pay their annual dues for in-between-congress periods in advance as part of registration fee for congresses of the Association.

Article 11 – Removal from Membership

An individual or society may, for reasons communicated to the party concerned, be suspended temporarily from membership or reinstated to active membership by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. An individual or society may, for reasons communicated to the party concerned, be removed from membership by a two-third vote of the Executive Committee.

Article 12 – Communication with public

EAPS activities are open to public. To ensure EAPS communication with public, president, vice-president, secretary general and executive committee are responsible.

Article 13 – Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed either at a General Meeting of the Association, or at any time by the Executive Committee, or by at least ten members in good standing of the Association. They shall take effect when approved by two-thirds of the members participating in a mail ballot.

Article 14 – Bye-laws

The Executive Committee shall have the right to make and amend bye-laws that implement this Constitution, consistent with the aims of the Association. These bye-laws shall be made available to the membership.

Article 15 – Cessation of activity

In case of cessation of EAPS activities its assets will be transferred to its constituent societies at a time of cessation in equal parts.

Adopted at the Inaugural Meeting of the EAPS, Århus (Denmark), April 26, 2008, and amended for registration requirements (to be adopted at BPSA conference in 2009).

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